Personnal works

Girls Only Slackline Festival IV

(6', 2014)
Documentary film. Shot in Ostrov, Czech Republic.

L'image bleue

(The blue image, 9'12", 2013)
When looking at the time, it's six o'clock. In the evening. In winter.


(Washing-up, 2'08", 2012)
Questioning about the relation between fantasy and reality.

No man's Landes

(4' 13", 2010)
Documentary film. The work of a lumberjack, today. Forest of Landes, France.

Trois mouvements, l'éveil de la danse

(Three movements, the dance awakening, 3'19", 2010)
In silence, two dancers get ready to enter the stage.

Tu entendras le vent chanter

(You will hear the wind sing, 31'23", 2010)
A man gets lost in the mountains. On his way stands a child. They will walk together to the peak.

75. 08 368

(3'16", 2009)
From the meat to the cow, from the food to the animal, alive.